

Running Fat Chick Press allows proprietress and presslady, Lynn Faitelson to “marry” her creative passions: letterpress printing and fine design. After earning two degrees in graphic design (one in the UK, and one in the USA) and working for many years, she taught typography and design process at Massachusetts College of Art + Design. Lynn is fluidly digital and her press room is hospitably retro, a bastion of well-maintained vintage presses, lead type, and lots of paper samples. A bit of a perfectionist, Lynn also loves to make people happy, going the extra mile of ribbon  whenever possible. 

OUR VANDY came to us from Vermont, via Purdue University. An SP15 Vandercook proofing press, she excels on jobs requiring perfect registration. She is also ideal for printing broadsides (the printerly term for small posters and large announcements) and wrapping paper.

OUR 10 x 15 CHANDLER & PRICE platen press is the workhorse of the shop. We rescued her at a live auction in New Hampshire and restored her to peak working condition. She shows her mettle every day, printing letterheads, business cards, wedding invitations, and noteworthy cards. 

OUR GOLDING No. 8 is the oldest press in the shop, having celebrated her centennial in 2007. We purchased her in a pub in Charlestown, MA, and promptly named her Reuben Golding, affectionately referred to as Ruby. She was our first motorised platen press. Since the arrival of our C & P, Ruby has been delegated to scoring and die-cutting, and she is splendid at both!